“To the glory of God and the dignity of all people.
Chairman Message
Message From The Chairman
On behalf of the entire Lexicon school system, I am pleased to introduce you to the Lexicon school system site. Within these electronic pages, I trust that you will find whatever information you seek about our School
I would like to take this opportunity to offer my vision for Lexicon school system– a vision that looks to the 21st century, but that is grounded in the School’s past.
The history of Lexicon school system is a narrative of response to society’s call. In 2003, that call came from an community that knew the day’s hard wage but not the future’s promise. Lexicon school system offered that promise.
Today, the call emanates from a world that has experienced an explosion of knowledge, but not a corresponding growth in understanding; a world that lacks trust in its leaders and faith in its institutions. It is a world that has developed wondrous technologies that link continents, but isolate humans, leaving many men and women weary and dispirited, feeling distant from moral purpose, uncertain about knowledge or the very worth of human endeavor.
Lexicon school system is uniquely capable of answering this call, of speaking to this world, to our time. As an institution of higher education, Lexicon school system is committed to the discovery and transmission of knowledge. it also seeks to integrate excellence and religious commitment, to both inform and form its students.
Lexicon school system endeavors to educate a new generation of leaders for the new millennium–men and women who will be capable of shaping a new century with vision, justice, and charity–with a sense of calling, with concern for all of the human family.
We pursue this challenge because it is a worthy goal for any Institution, but particularly for Lexicon school system, a School uniquely suited to be a beacon of hope and light for all. I invite you to join us, as a prospective student, parent, or simply as a friend.
Lexicon School System