Salient Feature 2017-11-15T05:38:32+05:00

“To the glory of God and the dignity of all people.




With the continuing infusion of technology both staff and students have been challenged in a very positive manner Our primary object is to integrate the computer and related technology into all areas of school programming Students do not go to the lab to just learn computer but also to actively learn new repertoire that will enable them to experience success and develop the new skill set necessary for the 21 century

Excursions And  Outings

Lexicon School system encourage the school trips. Class trips are organized to develop friendships within the class Every effort is made to limit the costs of these trips so that all students may participate The school provides opportunities to the students put the bookish knowledge into practice. It arranges educational trips, study tours etc,. This helps the students to form habit of keen observation. The excursion elevate their mental horizon and supplement their knowledge


At the cafeteria students get on opportunity to meet other school fellow and make new friends and acquaintances during their short break. The great makes them confident and they like to communicate with other schoolmates. students are provided with hygienic food keeping in mind all the nutrition required of a healthy body

Science lab

Our science labs are equipped with up to date equipment required for biology chemistry, and physics practical. There are many advantage of attending a school that provides plentiful and current equipment. The opportunity to apply your classroom learning to test theories and see results means that you will 4ecieve a better education


Progress report of the student are sent o the parent . However if parents wish to correspond regarding problem of their sons/daughters, they should write to the Principal

Note: signature of the parents/ Guardian is necessary on report.


parents/Guardians and relatives of the students will normally be permitted to visit them after school hour During school hours they are not supposed to disturb the students. However in case of emergency exemption are there


Strict observance of the prescribed timing breed punctually It certainly tempt you that the institution devotes at least seven to eight teaching hours to the classes. This program is carried out under a schedule. In summer season the school open at 7:30 a. m and in winter at 8:00 am However timing are flexible keeping in view the weather condition punctuality and regularity are the special feature of this institution.


Students are encouraged to participate in nation and religious function with zeal and fervor They refresh their memories of the magnificent achievement and glorious deed their great ancestors They also attract them to follow their foot steps.

The main aim is to make them feel proud of their rich cultural heritage . Opportunities are provided to the students to express themselves in debates discussion dramas and speeches these activities create self confidence among them

Prize Distribution Function

Prize distribution function is held every year .The prizes are given away to they outstanding social and well behaved students. This function tends to create a spirit of healthy competition among the students. This specially, hold when prizes when prizes are given away by some prominent person

Parents/ teachers Meeting

Parents role improving the standard of education is universally accepted. For this purpose, parents-teacher meetings are held at he end of each term


Three terminally examination will be held in an academic year


Library plays role in giving education a new orientation and direction apart from serving as the nucleus of cultural heritage, it also helps to initiate process of steady intellectual growth among the students. For this purpose Lexicon school system has established a library